Wow this is fascinating, Lauren! 🤯 I’ve never heard of aphantasia until now. I’m so glad you were able to discover this so you can have some peace in knowing it’s not your “fault.” And I just love the connection you drew to writing and emotion--definitely a superpower!

Also, I only recently learned about HSPs and have been knee deep in learning more about it because my partner is one and I lean that way too. Reading that post of yours now!

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Oh and I forgot to mention that Where the Red Fern Grows was my fave childhood book!!!

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It's such a good one!! I don't know if I could ever ready it again though, it's just so heart-wrenching 🥺

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Isn't it wild that it's a real phenomenon with a name and everything?! That blew my mind (and admittedly made me relieved to know it wasn't just me 😅). And thank you 🤗

Learning about HSPs is fascinating! If you haven't read it already, Elaine Aaron's book The Highly Sensitive Person is a great read (I think I mention it in that post I linked). It's so validating to learn that it's an actual trait and not an "overreaction" as some might think.

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I'm actually reading her book The Highly Sensitive Person in Love right now! Lol.

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Nice! You'll have to let me know how it is!

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I switch my inner monologue depending on who I'm imagining to be talking to (my mum vs my colleagues). Do you have that thinking style?

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Oh interesting! That makes sense though. I think I have an inner monologue, but now I'm not entirely sure 😅 I do, however, know for certain I have an inner critic that is very loud lol

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How interesting!! I'd put this little nugget of information in the same mental drawer of 'people with an inner monologue and people who don't narrate their thoughts' . Thinking there's people that don't talk to themselves is kinda wild to me. I talk to myself in two languages !

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It is a lot like that! It honestly might be one and the same, or a different flavor of the same thing. I've always wondered how the internal monologue works for people who are bilingual or multilingual! I suppose if you're fluent, everything just flows naturally?

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